Sunday, February 12, 2012

Sunday Musings

Wow, it's been over a year since I posted on my blog.  Since my husband's cousin started hers a few weeks ago, I got to thinking that I should resurrect mine.  Aren't you all thrilled?  Hello?  Anybody out there?  No matter.  This blog is really for me.  A place to come and put down my thoughts on a variety of topics.

Today I am really saddened by the news of Whitney Houston's death.  I couldn't believe it when I saw it on the internet this morning.  I had just logged on to get the lottery numbers from last night - and no, we didn't win a penny of that $310 million - when the headlines popped up and there it was.  My first thought was that it was one of those false internet rumours.  But then I read the article and turned on the tv just as the 6 am news was coming on.  It was true.  Whitney has died.

I'm going to share something rather personal.  When I was in my mid to late twenties, and living alone, I would sit in front of my stereo and listen to music.  Whitney Houston was a favorite.  I would pretend that I was the one that was famous and had that incredible voice. I wove some pretty great fantasies sitting there singing my lungs out and crying over lost love, being alone, etc.  I knew every word to every one of her songs.  Her voice would transport me away from my own troubled life into a fantasy life that was perfect. 

As I've grown older and hopefully wiser, I've seen that no matter how much talent, fame, or money you have, you can still have a troubled life. No amount of money can bring you total happiness. You see too many examples of how it can go wrong.  As those rich and famous people sit in their mansions, are they truly happy?  Yes, they have more money than I , but have they been as truly blessed?  Do they have wonderful family and great friends?  I do...and I love them all very much.

Peace and blessings to one and all...

Saturday, January 8, 2011

What Group are you?

I've decided that there are three groups of people on the road. I thought about this when I was on my way home from work last night.  It had been snowing almost all day and the roads weren't all that great.  Not really bad, but not great either.  But there I was, in my car, and talking to all these idiots on the road around me.  Hello live in Michigan.  It's winter.  It's snow.  Deal.  So...which Group are you in?

Group One are the idiots in their big trucks and SUV's that think that they are bigger (and more expensive) and therefore have the right to run up your ass, cut you off, and go way too fast because they think they're invincible. Note to these folks with their four wheel drives:  IT DOESN'T WORK ON ICE!  I'll see you in the ditch up ahead where you landed after running up my ass.  I moved over when it was safe so you could speed by and end up in that ditch.  And now I'm laughing at you.  In my relatively inexpensive car.

Group Two folks are those that feel they are better drivers than everyone else.  Please note that Group One and Group Two often overlap.  Group Two includes the folks that go too slow (because they are being UBER careful) and therefore create a hazard.  Group Two also includes the aforementioned folks that crawl up your ass thinking that if they do, you'll go faster.  Group  Two are the folks that feel they are so important and where they're going is more important than where you are going.  Therefore, we should all get out of their way.  They feel so self-important that they truly believe the space I left between me and the car in front of me is for them to dart into in their attempt to switch to a lane that is moving faster than the one they are in. 

Groups One and Two also include the idiots on their cell phone talking or texting.  They speed up, they slow down, they don't use turn signals because they are only driving one-handed.  They weave into your lane.  These Groups also include the folks that are eating, doing personal grooming, etc. 

Group three is where I fit.  We adjust our speed to the conditions - not too fast, not too slow.  We allow space between us and the car in front so that if they have to stop quickly (probably someone from Group One or Two has just cut in front of them) we won't be slamming into their rear ends.  We in Group Three don't tailgate.  We don't text while driving.  We use hands-free devices.  We use our turn signals to signal our intentions because we all know that turn signals are not optional equipment on a car.  Oh, and by the way?  It's the law. 

And do you know how you can tell someone from Group Three?  We're the ones talking to ourselves.  We're the ones shaking our heads over the behaviour of Groups One and Two.  We're the ones that can't wait to get home and off the road.

Nuff said...

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Thursday Thinking

I'm thinking that this Thursday is a good Thursday.  It's the Thursday before New Year's Eve.  I guess that makes it the Eve's eve...

It's a good Thursday because I got paid a day early.  It's a good Thursday because I don't have to work tomorrow.  It's an EXCEPTIONAL Thursday because I walked out the office door and I still have a job to go back to next year.  That is unless they call me before 6 am Monday morning.  But I think I'm safe.

It's been a good Thursday all and all.  Oh wait.  I forgot the drive to work this morning.  Now that was interesting.  LOVE driving on ice.  For all that know me, please insert the proper touch of sarcasm to that last statement.  Ah!  The jokes on me.  Because I'm the only one that reads these blogs so I'll just insert that tone of sarcasm into my head when I read this back.

I like this blogging thing.  It's an online journal thing.   However, if I ever want anyone other than my loving sister to read it, I better come up with some good stuff to blog about!  I'll have to take a look at my U.K. friend's blog and get some pointers.

But back to the original topic.  Yes, all and all....this has been a good Thursday.   I think I like Thursdays.  At least this week!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Hackers & Identity Theft

So, have you ever been hacked?  Had your identity stolen?  Your credit or debit card used fraudulently?  If you have, you know it's no picnic.

Well, it's happened to me twice.  Once with my debit card on Itunes (I'll save that story for another blog) and again today with my Visa card...on a smutty site that I'm sure is used only to get people's credit card information.  Mind you, I didn't go to this site.  But it was that site that charged on my credit card.

I wonder about these hackers.  Do they like work for a company?  Hackers R Us?  How do you apply for a job like that?  Do you send in a resume?  What do you list as your experience?  "I'm a great hacker and have stolen x amount of money from poor, stupid jerks"?

Or are they just random folks that have decided that instead of getting a normal job, they'll just sit at home on their computer and steal from people? 

Hmmm...if they could only put that talent to work...working for a company that is trying to figure out ways to keep us all from getting hacked.

But in the meantime, I'll be waiting for my new Visa card to arrive in approximately 10-14 business days.

Thanks again Mr. U.K. Hacker.  You made my day.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

If you work in accounting...

...then you know that this is the week from HELL! 

It's the end of the year and the end of the quarter.  Everything needs to be done NOW.  And to top it off?  This year the "eves" fall on Friday's.  So for those of you that AREN'T in accounting, that means that you have to pay employees on a Thursday instead of on Friday.

If you're a bookkeeper like me, then not only do you have to deal with payroll, but everything else as well...accounts receivable, accounts payable, credit and collections, blah, blah, blah.  And if you work for a small company, chances are you also have some other "office" duties thrown in as well!  Can we throw in an end of the year work comp case to complicate things?  Or how about the copier taking a powder just when you have to scan and send 60 pages of documents that have to be somewhere in less than an hour?  And how about said copier also being the fax and now nobody can fax anything because the feeder isn't working?  Hey, and why not throw in a few unemployment claims that have to be answered before Thursday?  Sure thing, I'll get right on that. Anything else I can do for you?

While everyone else is happily kicking back because it's a short week and there isn't a lot going on, you're running around like a chicken with its head cut off.  And even though you're grateful that you're getting a long three day weekend, you can't help but feel sorry for yourself because you have to cram five days of work into four!  All you can think about is three long days of NOT having to do any accounting.  And that includes paying any bills, updating your checkbook...anything remotely close to ACCOUNTING.

But alas...the joke is on all of us accounting folks.  Because guess what?  The real fun starts on Monday, January 3rd.  Can you say quarterly and year end taxes?  Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr... Setting up all the new files for the new year.  Purging the old...It goes on and on.  I'm sure I'm forgetting something.  That's why people in accounting like check lists.  Otherwise, we'd forget something really important.  Like filing taxes.

I think I'll be able to rest sometime in mid February.  So in the meantime, if you know anyone in accounting, give them a wide berth.  Just smile and nod as you pass them in the hall or at the copier.  If you hear the talking to themselves, just keep on going.  They aren't talking to you or anyone in particular.  They're cursing themselves for getting into the accounting field.

But you know what you can do?  What the heck.  Take a chance and your life in your hands.  Give them a hug and offer to buy them a drink after work to thank them for always making sure you're paid on time...each and every week.  Go ahead.  Give it a try.  They need it.  I need it.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve 2010

So I've started a blog.  Who would have thought it?  I guess I just wanted a place to write down my thoughts and feelings.  So goes! 

It's Christmas Eve and I was up early -  as usual.  A lot on my mind and couldn't sleep.  So much has happened in the past year.  So much tragedy and sadness.  But isn't that the way it seems to go the older one gets?  I'm sitting here trying to focus on the positives...I'm still employed.  I still have a husband.  I still have a home. 

What I don't have, that I lost this past year, is one of  my brother-in-laws - my sister's husband.  And I'm still sad.  Sad for my sister, sad for my nieces, sad for his family...sad for all of us. I know that only time will help them heal.  But I wish I could do more...I wish she and his daughters didn't have to go through this first Christmas without him.  It breaks my heart.  They are all strong women and I know they'll be alright.  I just wish I could take their hurt away.  I miss the Christmases we used to have when they were little and when our Mom and Dad were still here.

That's another things that sucks about getting older.  You miss that magical feeling of Christmas you had as a kid.  You miss all the people that are no longer here to share it with you.  It's just not the same anymore.  But, like I said, I have to focus on the positives and what I still Little Man Drew.   There is nothing better than having a 2 1/2 year old to make you feel the magic of Christmas again!

We all need to remember what this whole Christmas thing is about.  It's not about the presents, and the parties, and the food.  It's about the birth of our Saviour.  A promise that was made and given.

So, I wish whomever reads this a beautiful and blessed Christmas.  I wish for you all good things to come.  I pray any of your hurt or worry is lightened.  I hope you have a magical Christmas...

And I promise that not all my musings will be sad...