Sunday, February 12, 2012

Sunday Musings

Wow, it's been over a year since I posted on my blog.  Since my husband's cousin started hers a few weeks ago, I got to thinking that I should resurrect mine.  Aren't you all thrilled?  Hello?  Anybody out there?  No matter.  This blog is really for me.  A place to come and put down my thoughts on a variety of topics.

Today I am really saddened by the news of Whitney Houston's death.  I couldn't believe it when I saw it on the internet this morning.  I had just logged on to get the lottery numbers from last night - and no, we didn't win a penny of that $310 million - when the headlines popped up and there it was.  My first thought was that it was one of those false internet rumours.  But then I read the article and turned on the tv just as the 6 am news was coming on.  It was true.  Whitney has died.

I'm going to share something rather personal.  When I was in my mid to late twenties, and living alone, I would sit in front of my stereo and listen to music.  Whitney Houston was a favorite.  I would pretend that I was the one that was famous and had that incredible voice. I wove some pretty great fantasies sitting there singing my lungs out and crying over lost love, being alone, etc.  I knew every word to every one of her songs.  Her voice would transport me away from my own troubled life into a fantasy life that was perfect. 

As I've grown older and hopefully wiser, I've seen that no matter how much talent, fame, or money you have, you can still have a troubled life. No amount of money can bring you total happiness. You see too many examples of how it can go wrong.  As those rich and famous people sit in their mansions, are they truly happy?  Yes, they have more money than I , but have they been as truly blessed?  Do they have wonderful family and great friends?  I do...and I love them all very much.

Peace and blessings to one and all...